Conecta es una fundación que trabaja en proyectos que nos permiten crecer como seres humanos, dando nuestros dones y talentos a los que más necesitan, creando oportunidades con las realidades que cada comunidad tiene, generando identidad y tratando de que todos seamos mejores seres humanos.

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Conecta :: Volunteers in Ecuador
The Food Bank is a bridge between between the productive sector and people in a situation of food vulnerability. Their main goal is to solve the starving problem in Quito.
1 week - 3 months / 6 -12 months
This Project started in 2004 in the community of Maldonado, province of Carchi located in the north of the country, close to the border with Colombia...
1 week - 3 months / 6 -12 months
The greatest mystery and charm of the islands: animals that have never experienced fear of manhood. You can find: blue and red footed boobies, frigates,....
1 week - 3 months / 6 -12 months