Conecta es una fundación que trabaja en proyectos que nos permiten crecer como seres humanos, dando nuestros dones y talentos a los que más necesitan, creando oportunidades con las realidades que cada comunidad tiene, generando identidad y tratando de que todos seamos mejores seres humanos.


Ecuador is one of the Latin American countries most affected by the covid-19 pandemic. According to ECLAC “the crisis has caused a 30-year setback in social and economic levels therefore inequality and poverty has grown massively.

At the end of 2020, Ecuador has a third of its population in poverty (32.4%), which means 2021 has begun with 3.2 million new cases of poverty increasing school dropouts, malnutrition and child labor (source: INEC).

In Ecuador, 46.7% of jobs are in the informal sector which means these jobs are not reliable causing a high amount of instability within low-income Ecuadorian families. They are people who make a living day by day, without contracts or labor rights. They do not have a fixed income; their salary depends on daily work e.g. selling products on the streets. Many of these workers have not been able to perform their jobs due to the confinement measures, they lost their daily financial income and cannot secure the necessary food for their families. Labor informality leaves them outside the existing social protection mechanisms.

The Foundation Conecta Voluntarios en Ecuador (CVE) is working arduously against this appalling Health emergency, delivering food provisions to low-income Families in the Capital – Quito. During the pandemic we have so far delivered 450 kits of groceries to vulnerable families guaranteeing food to at least 1800 personas, but unfortunately poverty increases day by day and we need further resources to continue with this project.


Thanks to the alliance we have created with FEWP – Family Emotional Wellbeing Project C.I.C, a non-profit organization, supporting the development and promotion of mental health, which promotes comprehensive assistance aimed to improve the quality of life of Latin American migrants residing in London, confident of the success of the cooperative work, we look forward to receiving the support of the UK caring community.

Our aim is to collect £10k in July so that we can provide food to 50 or more families in a vulnerable situation in Ecuador for the next 6 months.

The immediate priority are poor household Families, in the majority of cases unemployed, elderly people or mothers with dependent children, people at risk of starvation, that depend solely on their decent work as recycling collectors or street vendors.

We have the support of El Banco de Alimentos de Quito (The Food Bank of Quito) that allows us to get hold of food at low cost, this has allowed us to reach more people in need. Along with this initiative we have the support of the Consulate of Ecuador in the United Kingdom.

This project is organized and administrated by:

Family Emotional Wellbeing Project C.I.C (FEWP)

Non-profit organization registered in London in 2018, created by Ecuadorian migrant women with the purpose to support the development of emotional and mental health in the community, residing in the United Kingdom without social exclusion of any kind.

Our work focuses specially on people in vulnerable situations.

Conecta Voluntarios Ecuador (CVE)

Non-profit organization that aims to strengthen intercultural relations, supporting and promoting voluntary work aiming to build up a new generation with social consciousness and values.

Registered by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage with Ministerial Agreement No. DM-2019-006 of January 10, 2019.

Thank you for taking part and supporting our cause, many families invulnerable situation will be grateful.









  • Eduardo Velásquez

    July 2, 2021

    Es importante poder aportar algo para poder ayudar al más necesitado, especialmente si son compatriotas


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Our policies:

  1. This project is organized and managed by: Family Emotional Wellbeing Project - FEWP and Conecta – Voluntarios en Ecuador.
    FEWP is a British non-profit organization, created to support the development and promotion of mental health within the Latin American community residing in the United Kingdom.
  2. The alliance previously stated joins at this time with the aim to fundraising £10K in the United Kingdom through an announcement to the community in general residing in the United Kingdom.
  3. In order to achieve this goal, various activities will be carried out in social networks of both FEWP and Conecta - Voluntarios en Ecuador, in which awareness will be raised about the unfortunate situation that Ecuador is going through at the moment, transmitting the work that the foundation has been doing Conecta - Voluntrios en Ecuador focusing on where to distribute the resources received through this action.
  4. The funds raised will be for the purchase of food for people with limited resources and vulnerability affected by the covid-19 pandemic in the city of Quito - Ecuador.
  5. On the FEWP and Conecta - Voluntarios en Ecuador fanpage photographs and the supplies delivered to families will be uploaded monthly.
  6. The collection will be done through the official conecta’s website these donations can be made with a credit, debit or PayPal card.
  7. Personal data will not be used for any other purpose than this project.
  8. The Conecta Foundation will be in charge of qualifying the people who will receive aid from this project through a socio-economic study.
  9. The organization Family Emotional Wellbeing Project - FEWP will be in charge of socializing the project to the UK community.
  10. As this project is a social aid, there will be no refunds for any reason.